Thursday, July 24, 2008

RSS Feeds

I have used Bloglines for a number of years and just recently switched to Google Reader. I think that RSS Readers are great, but my problem is that I forget to look at my feeds. So by the time I think of it I have hundreds of posts to look at and then I get discouraged and don't.

What is the solution? I need to select one or two blogs that I want to keep up with and ditch the rest. I can only take in so much information.... what will the two blogs be? Still working on that.

One great use of Google Reader is that I have created a feed to the blogs of my students. Instead of going to each one of their blogs and trying to find what's new -- I can go to my reader and the new posts are listed for me. This has tremendous use in Education.

I went through the short tutorial by Solinet called "Feed Me". I learned that you can have feeds sent to your cell phone -- not surprising, but really do I want my feeds to follow me every where I go?

Blogs I plan to focus on: What I Learned Today & Information Wants to be Free. I meet the authors of both of these blogs at ACL.


Christa said...

What made you switch to Google Reader?

Lynette Sorenson said...

Bloglines was okay, but since I use google alot for my class I thought it was easier just to use their rss as the password is the same for all of their services.